Looking for the Top Supernatural Comedy Movie During the Covid-19 Quarantine?

Los Angeles, CA, Release: August 2nd, 2020. For Immediate Release.

Chiaramonte Films, Inc. is releasing their latest movie, “Adam’s Package,” later this year in 2020. This comedy deals with a lot more than just romance and comedy; audiences can anticipate to find a twist of murder mystery intermingled with sci fi and supernatural. Up-and-coming actor and internationally well known male model, Andrew Rogers, stars with fellow actress and stunning model Serena Hendrix.

Andrew Rogers plays Adam, a famous male model known for his physical qualities, who’s under house arrest in his Venice Beach, California house for a crime he was not involved with. Adam finds out he’s not alone in his home and is living with a regularly troublesome unwanted housemate opera-singing ghost known as Lulu, played by Shay Denison, who guides him to a ‘package’ secretly stowed in his basement. It's only a matter of time before rough government agents start to discover what Adam’s withholding.

“My companion talked enthusiastically about it all the way home!” - Ronald Colby, Writer / Director / Producer

Adam’s Package was produced by Chiaramonte Films, Inc. and was written and directed by Andrew Chiaramonte and co-written by Emmett Alston. The film also stars: Anthony Di Carlo, Tim Mollen, Jessica Weiner, Aion Boyd, Zoquera Milburn, Giovanni Navarro, Frank Rubio, Ramel El, Colleen Hart, Amy Newman, David Meza, Tom Kocher, Rashida Diva Shabazz, Allana Matheis.

For More Information:

Adam’s Package Website
Adam’s Package YouTube Channel
Adam’s Package IMDB Page
Adam’s Package Facebook Page
Adam’s Package Instagram Page
Adam’s Package Twitter Page
Chiaramonte Films Website

Jordon Crane is an online entertainment correspondent for many types of web based here news outlets who reports about trends in entertainment, media, news, lifestyle, finance, home and more. Based in Cleveland and has written for The Denver Post, Los Angeles Times, Fox News and WIRED.

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